Sunday, May 9, 2010

Low water Quake solo

Its that time of year when you want to go boating so bad that your dreams are overwhelmed by boating; and when you are boating, its almost as if you were dreaming... and so it goes.

The season is early and every year i want it earlier. Just moving out to Bozeman this last fall has been the greatest decision i could have made; with all the great options with boating and boarding. i have had little time to actually do something with this website. So heres to Casper Wyo. My hometown(unfortunately) which has taught me many good lessons and was the unlikely place were i started boating some decade ago.

So to start the season, how about little Quake Lake solo POV. Quake was running lower than recommended flow on any website, at a drastic 650cfs. Quake is a unique stretch of river most any class IV or V boater would enjoy.

Quake Lake from Mike Perry on Vimeo.

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