Bluegrass is a very unique gem with beautiful drops in the most unlikely of places! located in the Laramie Range. some pics of 514 cfs which is the wheatland #2 outflow which is tunneled underground to the ditch where it comes out of the tunnel. the ditch isn't a natural stream bed so be careful in the first 1/2 section.
Stampede Breakfast Boof- Mike Perry, pic by Luke Sutton
514cfs is nearly eddlyless for the first 1/2 mile and damn near out of control for somewhat normal creek bed. vote between 240 cfs to 514 is hit to it high and juicy!
S turn directly above Bucking Bronco, tiny blurb is Mike Perry
switch boof on Bucking Bronco - Mike Perry, pic by Luke Sutton
Another Poudre video with Luke first time on Whiteline,different level and angles from earlier poudre vid. also some Bluegrass vid at highwater to mix it up, Bluegrass season is here. batteries died on bluegrass in the middle of the goods so only have the first 2 drops and alittle of the run out. enjoy
August Blues, sort of..... from Mike Perry on Vimeo.